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Things You Should Avoid Before A Run

Going for a run is easily one of the best things you can do for your health. Not only does it keep you active, but it also helps keep you energized and motivated. But unfortunately, what you do before you start can have a big impact on how you feel after. From what you eat to how you dress, plenty of things can either help you or hinder your progress. That is why this post is here with a list of things you should avoid before a run!

The Amazing Benefits Of Going For A Run

Going for a run is an excellent way to clear the mind and reset. Not only does it provide mental clarity, but physical benefits as well. It’s one of the most tried-and-true forms of exercise that carries profound health rewards. On a cardiovascular level, running delivers oxygen and nutrients throughout the body more efficiently, keeping you energized. As you start running more regularly, your musculoskeletal systems become stronger and more resistant to injury.

Furthermore, studies have shown that aerobic exercises like running can help release endorphins in the brain, producing hormones that leave you feeling happier and calmer all day. Without a doubt, regular running has significant benefits for both body and mind.

Eating Too Much

A Run

Everyone knows that a quality run is about pacing and endurance. However, eating too close to running can be just as counterproductive for your training routine. With full digestion ahead of you during your run, you risk having all of the energy from your meal go straight toward digesting food and away from powering your muscles. Additionally, when running on a full stomach, there is a greater risk of gastrointestinal distress like nausea or stomach cramps.

On top of that, if you go too long without stretching and warmups before beginning your run, you may cramp your muscles due to an overeating-induced increase in body temperature. For these reasons, it’s essential to plan your daily meals around when you want to lace up your shoes and hit the pavement – inside or out!

Doing Static Stretching

A Run

Before taking off for a run, many runners often prepare for the activity by doing static stretches like forward lunges and toe touches. However, doing these static stretching before running can decrease your performance because this type of stretching targets your slow-twitch muscle fibers, which aren’t typically used during anaerobic exercises like running. Replacing static stretches with dynamic warmups before a run can reduce the risk of injury while improving performance by activating the quick-twitch fibers used in anaerobic work.

Dynamic warmups can include high knees, butt kicks, agility drills, and skips. These exercises will increase blood flow to those quick twitch fibers ready to handle an intense burst of energy required for acceleration during a run. Overall, eliminating static stretching before runs and replacing it with more dynamic activities will improve performance and reduce the risk of injur

Drinking Too Much Water

A Run

As surprising as it may sound, drinking too much water before a run can decrease your athletic performance. Suppose you drink more water than your body needs. In that case, the rate at which your body gets rid of water is decreased, making it harder for electrolytes to properly balance out right before a workout, and electrolytes are integral to help ensure muscles have enough energy and strength! When you exercise, your body uses carbohydrates and fats as fuel, but if there isn’t an adequate balance of electrolytes in your system, those reserves may not be accessible, and athletic performance decreases.

This can result in dizziness, lightheadedness, and lethargy during or after exercise. Be sure to drink only what is necessary to keep well hydrated and avoid dehydration by being proactive about your hydration!

Skipping The Bathroom

A Run

Before a long run, it may be tempting to forgo your regular bathroom routine in favor of getting straight to the track or trail. However, ignoring nature’s call can cause some unfortunate consequences. An overly full bladder can cause discomfort and distraction when you are out on the run, but it affects your performance, too—holding extra liquid can slow you down.

Additionally, running with an already full bladder can lead to urinary tract infections if you aren’t correctly hydrating to replace lost electrolytes and bring oxygen back in during your run. So, make sure to listen to your body and use the restroom before your next training session—it won’t just give you peace of mind while running, it could make you faster too!

Ignoring Minor Aches

A Run

Ignoring minor aches before a run is no joke and can lead to serious injury. Every athlete needs to listen to their body and be aware of any new pains they feel as they prepare for a run. Even if the pain feels small and insignificant, it should always receive attention and proper treatment. That way, you don’t risk exerting unnecessary strain on your body that can easily turn into chronic injuries over time.

However, this doesn’t mean you should immediately see a doctor. Often the best thing you can do is cut down or halt your training until your body has had adequate time to rest and heal itself naturally. By listening attentively to what your body tells you, you can prevent excessive damage from occurring in the future and ensure that your runs are as productive—and safe—as possible.

Wearing Brand-New Shoes

A Run

Going on a run can be one of the most refreshing and invigorating activities, but being unprepared can make it unpleasant. When it comes to running, having the right shoes can be the difference between comfort and discomfort. Comfort is vital in any physical activity; wearing brand-new shoes before a run is not recommended as they have not been broken in yet, and your feet may suffer.

Don’t let ill-fitting or unbalanced footwear ruin your run! The stiff materials in new shoes won’t have given way yet, leaving your feet with the full brunt of their rigidness – thus, increasing the chance of blisters or other damage to those delicate parts of your body. That’s why wearing shoes that fit comfortably and have worn in slightly are better suited for a long jog around your neighborhood.

Be Mindful Of The Things To Avoid Before A Run!

Whether running a 5k or training for an ultra-marathon, preparing and avoiding common pitfalls affecting your athletic performance is essential. By being mindful of the different things you should avoid before a run, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable experience on the track or trail. Because, after all, the most important thing is that you enjoy your training and stay healthy while doing it. So, listen to your body and take care of yourself before every workout!